Lord Zion
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Instrument/Equipment: Vocals using a Shure Beta 58 Wireless Mic, TC-Helicon Vocal Tone Create, BC Rich Warlock Guitar (80's style) in metallic black (the Vindicator), Ultimate lightweight mic stand
Birthday: 9th June
Interact: Email · Facebook · Twitter · LinkedIn · IMDB · Myspace   

Lead singer & co-creator (with my partner in crime, ViKKi SPiT) of UK glam punk rock band SPiT LiKE THiS & outrageously cool T-shirt brand SMELLYOURMUM.COM.  I also write a blogsite on diet & exercise called FiT LiKE THiS.


I created the SPiT LiKE THiS Universe with more than a little help from my partner in crime, ViKKi SPiT. We started off with absolutely nothing other than a few hair-brained ideas but, we seem to have captured some people's imaginations. 

How do you start a whole Universe from scratch? Well, believe it or not, it started with the sale of Vikki's used panties on eBay. We used the funds from that to record and release the first SPiT LiKE THiS EP, "The Pop Shot!". We also set up our Offensive T-shirt company, SMELLYOURMUM.COM. The idea behind the latter was to provide us with enough income to eat and also fund SLT. 

You know what? IT WORKED! 

In the UK, SMELLYOURMUM.COM is the FIRST choice for anyone that wants decent, hand-printed, offensive T-shirts. I design them, Vikki prints them. Our overheads are low so the prices are low. Check them out and buy something safe in the knowledge that you are funding Rock n Roll! 

As for the band, well, we just go from strength to strength: in the last 12 months we have had our debut album released across Europe; played at various European festivals (including Wacken) and have recorded our 2nd album with legendary producer Chris Tsangarides (Judas Priest, Ozzy, Thin Lizzy, Anvil)! You can check out our endeavors at www.NormalityvilleHorror.com  

SPiT LiKE THiS is the musical embodiment of everything that I am. I am not someone to fuck with and nor is my band. We are on a mission to recruit as many sick fucks as we can on our journey. Twisted people that want their buttons pushed. Twisted freaks that want to push people's buttons. 

Is there any other way? 

No. I have yet to witness another band that delights and angers in equal amounts. For everyone that loves us, you will find another that hates us. And that is the way it should be. The fact is, we are NOT trying to appeal to everyone. We are NOT trying to be the next this or the next that. We are the first SPiT LiKE THiS. We ARE the band your parents warned you about. We ARE for real. 

Don't believe me? Then check us out. There are links around the place.

And this is what my life is right now. My daily task is to entertain, enthrall, enlighten freaks like you and to outrage, anger, annoy everyone else. 

So, why not become a part of it? You know you want to...

P.S. I meet a lot of you incredible people at our various shows, but there is one thing that sours those moments for me: when you get my name wrong! "Lord" is not my first name, it is my title. My name is Zion, and that is
pronounced "Zee-on". Get that right and I know that you were paying attention ;-) Thanks.

Love: Discovering something new about myself.  Achieving a dream.  Reaching a milestone.  A great gig.  Listening to one of our songs for the first time.  Meeting fans.  Getting fan mail.  Having conversations with my bandmates.  Driving.  Enlightening people.  Changing people's minds about me or my band.  Proving to people what a great band we are.  Creating something out of nothing.  Creating something that never existed before.  Relief.
Hate: Ignorance.  Stupidity.  An unwillingness to learn.  Failure to admit fault.  Borders.  Weakness.  Unoriginality.  The un-enlightened.   People that take.  People that use.  People that abuse.  People that do not give back.  People that do not try harder.  Scumbags.  Liars.  Cheats.  Thieves.  Wannabes.  The easily-lead.  Idiots.  Wiggas.  Chavs.  Judges.  Institutions.  Authority.  Censorship. Fear... I could go on for a VERY long time...

Hate Pt II: The Real/Fake Tatts
The longer I'm in this business, the more people I meet that are full of bullshit.  People promise you things left, right and centre but only about 10% of anything anyone says have even a ring of truth.  Well, this fucks me off.  I hate, detest and loath fake people.  Whoever you are, whatever you are, just be it.  Don't pretend to be anything or anyone else.  So, I got these so that I can use them.  If someone is fake, I will shake their hand with my 'fake' hand.  If i have my photo taken with someone who is full of shit, you will know it as I'll make sure the word 'fake' is clearly visible.  So, when you see me in the press, you now know what to look out for.  It's kind of like my bullshit detector warning!

zion's 'real' and 'fake' tattoos - what category do you fall into??
Personal: I was the kid that everyone picked on at school.  I was fat, had a stupid name and looked a bit girlie.  I was a pretty happy child, not knowing that I was 'different' until I first went to school and had that fact kicked out of me.  At first, I tried to fit in.  I tried to change.  I tried to become what they wanted me to be.  But the bullying continued.  One day it just dawned on me that these people were shit.  I was not going to let them destroy me - I was going to be me, the person I wanted to be and I was going to use them to make me stronger.  And I did.  I continued through school gaining more knowledge about the ignorant neanderthals that I was surrounded by.  Understanding what maked them ticked.  Dumbfounded by their stupidity.  I left school a stronger, wiser person knowing that I could achieve anything.  They say success is it's own reward and, you know what, they are right!  I now occasionally see the people that made my life hell and Kharma has paid them back.  They are leading miserable lives whilst I am living a dream.
Favourite Quote: I want those who get to know me to become admirers or my enemies... Adam Ant
He Said: "Some days, inspiration is so hard to find. Other times, it is impossible to avoid" Lord Zion, 2011

"There's no fakery with what we do. If there are girls backstage getting their tits out, that's nothing to do with us. It's them responding to what we are and what we're about. Onstage we give off a certain sexual energy.  Not deliberately, there just is one. The audience respond to that."

"So many of the bands we have the misfortune to encounter are just following a whim, dressing how they think they should be and acting how they think they should be.  I HATE DETEST AND LOATH those people with a passion that burns very VERY deep."

"I want to make SPiT LiKE THiS a household name.  I want kids to love us and parents to loath us.  I want to continue to tread the fine line between being cool and being credible. I wish to push the boundaries of decency and good taste. I want a number one album. I want a number one single. I want to be loved. I want to be hated. I want to inspire. I want to be me."

"We are not here to be pop stars, we are here to BEAT pop stars."
Lord Zion, 2008

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